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- Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Families
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Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Families
The Seminar Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Families aims to develop a critical and interdisciplinary debate on contemporary families where cultural diversity can be found. In this Seminar we address specific situations lived by these families, such as binational, interracial and interethnic marriages and divorces; conjugal dynamics; children educational practices; linguistic diversity; and sharing and negotiation of identities, traditions, symbols and rituals.
It is an event opened to researchers, academics, students, professionals, civil society, and everyone interested in these topics. This Seminar takes place every two months, and includes a paper presentation by one or more researchers, a critical comment from a specialist, followed by debate with the public.
This Seminar intends to disseminate individual and team research results. While inviting social and humanity sciences’ researchers, as well as representatives of public policies, we wish to enlarge research networks and increase scientific and public knowledge in these areas of study.
Organisation: Sofia Gaspar and Rita Cachado
It is an event opened to researchers, academics, students, professionals, civil society, and everyone interested in these topics. This Seminar takes place every two months, and includes a paper presentation by one or more researchers, a critical comment from a specialist, followed by debate with the public.
This Seminar intends to disseminate individual and team research results. While inviting social and humanity sciences’ researchers, as well as representatives of public policies, we wish to enlarge research networks and increase scientific and public knowledge in these areas of study.
Organisation: Sofia Gaspar and Rita Cachado

Theorizing Gender Regimes from Below Through Transnational Conjugality
Seminar | 27 November 2024

Por estranho que possa (não) parecer: Famílias macaenses e identidades (re)inventadas
Seminar | September 25, 2024

Trajetórias familiares translocais e reconfigurações das redes e dos fluxos migratórios
Seminar | 15 April 2024

“Permanently temporary” away: temporal implications of transnational family life
Seminar | 24 January 2024

A plasticidade da organização familiar cabo-verdiana e as relações de género em contexto migratório
25 October 2023 | Online Seminar

Female breadwinner: comprendiendo los modelos familiares y culturales característicos del sur de Europa
Seminar | June 14, 2023

¿Qué está pasando en las parejas españolas? La transformación de la vida en pareja en la sociedad digital
Seminar | 27 April 2023

Influence of parenthood on ethnic identity
16 February 2023 | Online

"Quando falo português os outros ficam ali a gozar, ficam ali a gargalhar."
15 novembro | 14h30 | Online

Who Cares? Reflexões sobre Masculinidades, Paternidades e Cuidado
22 September 2022 | 14h30 | Online

Seminário Diversidade Cultural em Famílias Contemporâneas
Call for Papers | Encontro para Estudantes de Doutoramento

Uniones y rupturas entre brasileños y españoles
19 May 2022 | 14h30 | Online

Migration to Portugal and its effects on the perception and practice of gender in Nepalese families
28 março 2022 | 14h30 | Online

Conjugalidades e famílias em Marrocos
20 janeiro 2022 | 15h | Online

O ativismo das mulheres senegalesas - ultrapassando as barreiras sociais
11 November 2021 | 15h00 | Online

Património migrante e heranças culturais das famílias de origem indiana em Portugal
30 September 2021 | 14h30 | Online