S&T Week 2016



25 November 2016


Introduction to the event

Brief presentation of CIES-IUL

Introductions to the activities to follow


Activity 1 - PRECIOUS – a life lesson

Researchers: Inês Amaro e Inês Casquilho Martins

In this activity participants experimented with the focus group technique and understood its application in social sciences, namely in the research into Social Services. The objective was to create a debate among the participant group around scenes from the film Precious (2009), being then able to obtain and present results through their experience.


Activity 2 – How can we compare the performance of countries? The importance of national and international databases

Researchers: Rita Capucha e Filipa Pinho

Today, national and international databases – such as Eurostat, an official source for comparative European data and statistical indicators; or Pordata in Portugal, which collects national and international data on various themes – constitute one of the most important work tools for researchers in the field of Sociology. But there’s more! They are also used by journalists, students, professors and common citizens, when they need to know the country and other European country’s reality both better and in a more reasoned way, on themes as diverse or education, economics, finances, demographics, life conditions, culture, etc. With this activity some potentialities of these databases are explored, understanding what they are, how they are constituted, what they are for, what kinds of data they contain, and on the other hand, we learn to choose, collect and present some data, selecting a theme or a combination of themes, specifically for this effect.


Activity 3 – Portugal is Lisbon and the rest is a landscape. City vs. Rural life 

Researcher: Maria Antónia Pires de Almeida

Where is living better, in the city or the countryside? What are the main differences between the urban and the rural world? Some would like to move out of Lisbon. We aimed to discuss the theme and analyse the content of the recently-approved National Program for Territorial Cohesion, developed by the Unit for the Mission to Appreciate the Interior, nominated by the government to attempt to solve programs connected to depopulation of the rural areas of Portugal.


Activity 4 – The Interview

Research: Ana Raquel Matias e Pedro Martins

In this activity we aimed to make students understand the relevance of interviews in the research work of the social sciences, both as an exploration tool and as a way to go deeper on an object of study, and also the essential procedures that need to be guaranteed while it is being performed. The activity constituted on a brief presentation of the method, practical exercises with the students, a presentation of work previously done and a final discussion.


Activity 5 – The Analysis of quantitative data: The questionnaire

Researchers: Catarina Doutor e Augusta Correia

The analysis of quantitative data has been gaining more and more relevance in the study of social phenomena. The increasing quantity of available data, through the use of the internet (eg. Social networks, governmental institutes, international organizations) allows us to have access to a collection of fundamental information to better understand the reality of social phenomena. So, in this activity, we had the opportunity to present the questionnaire as a data collection technique in social sciences. We also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of its use. The activity ended with the creation of a questionnaire around a theme and a brief presentation of statistical software SPSS. We aimed, in this way, that the participants would have a first introduction to the inherent challenges present in the construction of a questionnaire.


Presentation and final evaluation of the developed activities.

Evaluation of the initiative and closing of the event.

