To be a Sociologist for 15 days.


Summary of activities


Reception of Participants


A Sociology research centre? Brief presentation. Introduction to activities to follow.


Peddy Paper


Presentation Session for the ISCTE-IUL Sociology Student Group (NESISCTE)


Activity 1


Researchers: Brígida Riso e Rita Cachado


How to observe the social? What is “participant observation”? How to relate and analyse that which was observed? After the presentation of ethnography as a qualitative methodology for the realization of research in the field, a “field” will be chosen where we will observe quotidian social situations, some more obvious and other more surprising. A discussion on the different forms of observing and relating will close out the day dedicated to ethnography.



Activity 2


Researchers: Anne Schippling e Mara Clemente


Interview is a data collection technique used in many contexts, the journalistic, the historical, the selective (as in a job interview), the sociological, etc. In social research, the interview is one of the many tools available to empirically ground the study of a problem. This activity presents the “qualitative interview” in sociology. In particular, after a presentation of the theoretical and basic technical aspects, the participants will be involved in the creation of scripts, transcriptions and the analysis of interviews.


Activity 3
Data Analysis


Researchers: Carlota Veiga e Mariana Duarte


The analysis of quantitative data has been gaining more and more relevance in the study of social phenomena. The increasing quantity of available data, through the use of the internet (eg. Social networks, governmental institutes, international organizations) allows us to have access to a collection of fundamental information to better understand the reality of social phenomena. So, in this activity, we will have the opportunity to talk about some of the sources for quantitative data information. We will also examine some data analysis techniques highlighting the most common mistakes in their interpretation. The activity will end with some forms of presentation of the results attained during the analysis.


Activity 4


Researcher: Ana Rita Capucha


This section has as its objective to give the participants notions on the methodology of the inquiry through a questionnaire. The session will start with a framing on this methodology, addressing its characteristics, its potentialities/limitations, its applicability in social sciences and also, some modalities which help their process of application nowadays – for example, online platforms. The participants will create a questionnaire on a defined topic, which will be applied to a small sample of individuals and later be an object of treatment, exploring, to that end, some auxiliary tools such as the statistical program SPSS.



Activity 5
Laboratory on Communication Sciences


Researcher: Décio Telo


The activity will centre on the analysis of content in social networks and we will use the platform Crimson Hexagon to create a hands-on activity around three questions which we will try to answer: Why (study social phenomena in social networks)? What (what to study)? How (to study)?


Activity 6
Development of a research (team work)


Researchers: Britta Baumgarten, Dulce Neves e Filipa Pinho


In the second week of activities, the young people will live the experience of being a researcher. Integrated into a research team, they will have the opportunity to develop a sociological research project, defining the theme and the object of study, choosing the most suitable methodology and research techniques, collecting and analysing data. In the end, the results will be presents in a public session, open to the whole scientific community of CIES-IUL


Activity 7
Preparation for the presentation of results.


Public presentation of the research results.



Final Work of Participants


How to and who are the researchers of CIES-IUL?

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