OCJF 2015



ser sociólogo

Being a Sociologist for 15 days


Summary of activities


A Sociology research centre? Peddy Paper to get to know CIES-IUL!

By the Office of Planning and Communication



Researchers: Rita Capucha e Mara Vicente

This section has as its objective to give the participants notions on the methodology of the inquiry through a questionnaire. The session will start with a framing on this methodology, addressing its characteristics, its potentialities/limitations, its applicability in social sciences and also, some modalities which help their process of application nowadays – for example, online platforms. The participants will create a questionnaire on a defined topic, which will be applied to a small sample of individuals and later be an object of treatment, exploring, to that end, some auxiliary tools such as the statistical program SPSS.


Focus Group

Researchers: Brígida Riso e Inês Pereira


The focus group is a group interview often used in market surveys but also in the social sciences. Initially participants will be able to understand the characteristics of this type of technique as well as the fundamentals of its use in Sociology. In the second part participants will have to opportunity to engage in a group interview discussing the results achieved afterwards as well as the participant’s experience.



Researcher: Rita Cachado

This activity has the objective of presenting ethnography as one of the possible methodologies of Sociology. Initially the activity will have an introduction to the concept of Ethnography and its uses. The ethnographic experience will be done through a practical exercise to be defined in the expositional component, with the help of a script and resorting to a field diary. After this exercise we will examine the observations effected and summarize the main challenges of this methodology.



Researchers: Mário Santos e Catarina Sales

In this activity we will present to participants the basic notions of the qualitative interview technique in sociology. Starting by broaching topics related to the construction of scripts and the different types of interview, the activity will also allow the participants to experience, through a practical exercise, interview techniques, reinforcing the interaction component and social interaction inherent to this technique.


Developing a research (team work)

Researchers: Mário Santos, Brígida Riso, Joana Vieira e João Henriques


Public presentation of the research results

Group 1: Perceptions of polyamorous practices. An Approach

Maria Ferraz, Tiago Costa, Diogo Morais, Pedro Figueiredo, Diogo Pendão

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Group 2: The position of the Catholic Church towards Homosexuality

Ana Moreira, Inês Romão, Carolina Oliveira, Catarina Ricardo, Débora Serrano, Rodrigo Dantas
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Consult the PDF (In Portuguese)