OCJF 2013



ser sociólogo

Being a Sociologist for 15 days


Summary of Activities



Researchers: Tiago Carvalho e Vera Henriques

The interview is an information collection method used in several contexts: the journalistic interview, the job interview, the research interview. The activity presents the research interview, a data collection method with scientific validity, often used in Sociology. The activity has three objectives: presentation of the basic methodological theoretical and technical aspects, preparation and concretization of an interview by the participants, discussion on the method and experience obtained. Research theme: young people and political participation.



Researchers: Rita Cachado e Inês Pereira

Similarly to previous editions of this event participants will be able to approach ethnography as one of the empirical methodologies used by the social sciences. A brief theoretical component at the start of the activity will have the objective to present the methodology, through the principal characteristics of the method and a small historical introduction. The main element of this activity is, however, its practical aspect through the effecting of a practical ethnographic exercise, with the application of the participant observation technique where participants will chose a spot or a group to be observed. At the end of the exercise, participant will present their results to their colleagues where the difficulties found, the observations made and the most frequent situations will be discussed.



Researchers: Mara Vicente e Rita Ochoa

This section has as its objective to give the participants notions on the methodology of the inquiry through a questionnaire. The session will start with a framing on this methodology, addressing its characteristics, its potentialities/limitations, its applicability in social sciences. Following this, practical activities will be developed with the aim of building a small inquiry through questionnaire, applying it to a small sample of individuals and proceeding to the treatment of the collected data. This questionnaire will have as its theme the qualification of the city, seeking to use as a work field the space surrounding the ISCTE-IUL building. 


Data Analysis

Researchers: Maria Álvares e Pedro Estêvão

The activity will be developed around the exploration of a database on the subject of the opinion of young people on school and, through collective reflection, some research questions which might be answered through the analysis of results will be defined. At the end on the activity the aim is that the young people will have acquires competence in the analysis of graphics, tables and crosstabs, which might allow them to interpret quantitative data.


Developing a research (team work)

Researchers: Inês Pereira, Joana Ramalho, Ivo Barros e Bárbara da Silva


Public presentation of the research results



Participants’ final work

Exploratory notes on the Values of Young People.

Consult PDF (In Portuguese)



1. Focus-group session with CIES Researchers



2. Group of participants and some of the assistants for the activities developed