Profile Photo
João Carvalho
Department of Social and Enterprise Sciences
Office AA2.21
Telephone 217903066
(ext:) 712211
Research Fields
comparative politics
politics of international migration
qualitative research strategies
far right parties
Research Group
Migration, Mobility and Ethnicity
João Carvalho is a PhD in Politics, working as an Invited Principal Investigator and an Invited Assistant Professor at the Escola de Tecnologias Digitais Aplicadas, where he teaches Contemporary Political Philosophy.My research interests encompass the politics of international migration and the far-right.My authored and co-authored research has been published in journals such as: European Journal of Political Research, Journal of Common Market Studies, Party Politics, Government and Opposition, Parliamentary Affairs, Citizenship Studies, etc. I am currently the local coordinator of a European research project entitled MIrreM funded by the programme Horizon 2020 of the European Union. Laslty, I like to disseminate contents of political science to wider audiences.  
Educational Qualifications
Recent Publications