Profile Photo
Catarina Sales Oliveira
Research Fields
mobilities, transports and territorial inequalities
gender citizenship and empowerment
work and organizations
Research Group
Migration, Mobility and Ethnicity
 Catarina Sales Oliveira is associate professor at the University of Beira Interior (UBI) and a researcher at CIES-IUL (Center for Research and Studies in Sociology). Her research interests are mobility, transports, and inequality; gender, citizenship and empowerment through arts. She developed these specializations through several multidisciplinary European research projects such as RESISTANCE (on indigenous collectives of women), EMECs (on impacts of Covid19 in posted workers) or SPECULUUM (on autobiographical documentaries produced by Portuguese speaking women producers). She works promoting gender equality both in higher education and at the local community level, participating in projects such as VELEDA (a socio-artistic approach to single-parent women) and until 2021 as a chairman of the UBI Equality Commission (CI-UBI) in an action-research approach to gender, higher education and organizational change in the university environment. She is currently particularly interested in cross-border mobilities and local development and artistic mobilities. 
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