Profile Photo
Adriana M. P. Quintão
Research Fields
Sexuality, Sociology and Anthropology of the Body, Gender Studies, Ethnicity and Identity, Sociology and Anthropology.
Research Group
Gender, Life Course and Health
Recipient of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) studentship (2023.03075.BD) as a PhD student in Sociology (CIES-Iscte), with a Masters in Social Anthropology (UFF-RJ, Brazil/Recognized by the University of Lisbon), a Bachelor's in Social Sciences (UCAM-RJ, Brazil/Recognized by Universidade Aberta), and an Associate's in Marketing, Management and Sales (NCC-MN, USA).Over 15 years of professional experience, as well as years of international academic and professional experience, recipient of a meritorious scholarship during my undergraduate degree (UCAM) and a CAPES grant during my masters degree. My masters thesis on hair as an identity performance was cited over 30 times (in books, theses, papers in indexed journals and presented at conferences, undergrad papers and in the media). I have research experience in sexuality, gender, corporeality, performance, racism, rituals, and consumption. 
Educational Qualifications